Sunday, May 12, 2013

Food for thought

There has been an uproar in Canada during the last two weeks over the hiring of cheap foreign workers. The super rich Royal Bank got caught with its pants down when an employee blew the whistle when he and many others were told to train these imported workers who would then replace the bank's workers for half the price. The government, properly outraged, has moved to stop this egregious use of their program that 'was never intended to put Canadians out of work'. Really! Who made up the rules in the first place? Meanwhile in the US, people and politicians constantly gripe about the Latinos in their country but they are quite happy to employ them at cut rates in their homes and businesses and the politicians who rage against illegals and want the border sealed, are strangely silent about enacting laws making it illegal to hire them. (Haroon Siddiqui), Toronto Star, 28/04/13). John Ayers.

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